Ben Shapiro is a Witless Asshat–Why Does He Exist?

Back in the day– a couple of month ago– when I was on Twitter nearly all the time I took a sort of nihilist or maybe rather defeatist joy at making fun or at least attempting to make fun of Ben Shapiro. Making jokes to hide the pain of existing in racist white supremacist state, if you will. For those who don’t know, Ben Shapiro is man who is an editor or writer for a digital rag called Brietbart or was it the Daily Wire. Whatever it is he has a certain currency in the intellectual vacuum of the conservative dark web directly adjacent to mainstream media. But as you might be able to tell, I can’t stand the guy. Ben Shapiro has the intellectual capabilities of decaying raw shoe leather. His presence and the continued reproduction of his words and works by the news media and the overly conservative American political pundit class severely damages their own little remaining integrity and intellect. This post was written in haste as well as in jest. But mostly it was written due to, even though no longer being on Twitter or Facebook, I continue to see the remains of Ben Shapiro’s comatose intellectual blathering all over the interwebs. This is a man who, like Donald Trump, has never said anything of value. You would not have lived a lesser life if you went your whole life never have known this man existed or heard a single world he ever uttered. Likely, your life on the whole might have improved.

One might be tempted to compare Shapiro with the Steve Bannon or Tucker Carlsons’ of the world. But those two know who they are. They’re openly white supremacist brownshirts who spew verbal diarrhea every time they open what for them passes for a mouth. The problem is that everyone else, of which I mean the white intellectual and capitalist class (or what passes for intellectualism on American television), refuse to admit what Bannon and Carlsons admits for themselves and their viewers.

I’d argue Ben Shapiro shares a lot more in common with Donald Trump, a man Shapiro claims to not support. Trump and Shapiro share the intellectual capacity of a gnat. Although I hesitate to be so harsh to the gnat. The gnats ancestors didn’t invent a system of racial patronage to benefit white people then pretend to not to understand what everyone else is complaining about. Or who knows. Maybe Donald Trump, Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson, and Steve Bannon call up their slime sucking gnat friends for a pub crawl on the weekend and discuss the always imminent but never actually happens threat of “white genocide” while drinking fermented piss water.

Maybe the closest actually comparison is Bill O’Reilly, another racist white man who, since having several books published under his name I begrudgingly must admit must be able to read words and maybe even put together comprehensive sentences all by himself. Yet O’Reilly, like Shapiro has the really world analytical skills of a post suicide Adolf Hitler. This is man who on his national broadcast television show, of which he had before getting fired for being an absolute tosser of the worst sort, said to a black professor that he “looked like drug dealer”. Do I know that Bill O’Reilly got fired by for an absolute tosser? No, nor to actually care. I know Bill O’Reilly is an absolute tosser. If I saw Bill O’Reilly walking by the the side of the road I might accidentally run him over. Nothing of value will be lost. I’m not generally a betting man but I am willing to bet good money that Billy O’Reilly would say “I’m not a racist”. That’s practically a quote even thought I don’t know if he’s actually said it on tape. That level of denial and lack of self-awareness is all very Ben Shapiro.

One of the most pointless conversations is trying to convince someone who thinks police brutality is not a problem or who thinks racial inequality is not real that both of these issue are indeed a real and a problem. The only reason not to believe police brutality or racial inequality is real and a problem is that you are a racist who believe police killing black people is good and that poverty is is natural condition of black people. I can state the fact that five of the largest landowners in the United State, who are white, own more land than all black Americans combined. Or that white Americans own 98 percent of all the land in the United States. But Ben Shapiro thinks systemic racism is made up by black people because they’re whiny communist bitches controlled by democrats or if it exist there’s nothing that can be done about it. Lets just ignore the racism involved in accusing an abused people of making up their own abuse. In the area of domestic or intimate-partner-violence what Ben Shapiro is doing would be called gaslighting. Since all politics is body politics, that comparison might not be too far off. Luckily no black person listens to Ben Shapiro except to laugh in pain and dream of pissing on his face while he has a recurring wet dream about being taken seriously as person. Maybe that’s just me though.

I despise Tucker Carlson and Steve Bannon and the Proud Boys etc because they are dangerous mercenaries of injustice. But in many ways I despise people like Bill O’Reilly and Ben Shapiro more because you can’t argue against that level of stupidity and they continue to have large audiences. No amount of information like what I stated above would make a difference because reality doesn’t matter. A general principle I live by is whatever your beliefs and ideologies your policy should not result in the production and reproduction of harm. A basic comprehensible idea is black people are just as much people as they are and desire all the rights they have and want but this basic level of humanism is beyond the ability of Shapiro. Bannon and Carlson don’t need to acknowledge this because they’ve already accepted what they advocating for calls for the eradication of everyone who is not white. O’Reilly and Shapiro are in denial because they’re just that incompetent. They’re not even in conversation with you. They in their own conspiracy where the moon landing was faked by geocentric members of the Illuminati controlled New World Order on the grassy knoll and Black Lives Matter is a fascist movement funded by a Billionaire Holocaust survivor because black people not being summarily executed by the police would be unAmerican. Pass out the lynching postcards.